B_wed #1: Thank you Stacy!


Welcome to the brand new! B_entertained B_wed Blog! A place where we let loose, tell insider secrets and industry insight while also talking about all our wonderful client’s event ideas, awesome fellow vendors, venue’s creative layouts, and more! But before we get into all that, for our absolute first post, I wanted to recognize a lady who bleeds B_entertained green, who not only started with the company when we ran everything off an excel spreadsheet but who played a pivotal role in helping build all the processes and tools we have in place now for making our client experience more enjoyable, efficient and just downright organized. Now to get my MC voice on…

“It’s my honor to introduce Stacy “Rizzo” Sheldon!”
*pause for applause*

Stacy started with me back in 2017 and was simply working to help me not “leave money on the table.” Her job was to go through and following up on leads, organizing client info and overall be my right hand to allow me to actually get some sleep every once and a while. Well after about a year of driving her crazy she approached me with finding a better way to organize our client info. We had started the process of re-launching our website at the time so while we revamped our front end it was also time to rebuild the back end of the business. After much tireless research on Stacy’s part we invested in the customer management software AmoCRM. A relatively not well know platform (to me at least) but one that showed potential in all the ways we needed it to be from versatility to customization to the ability to integrate with our other third party systems. Since then Stacy has taken our AmoCRM account and maximized its usefulness through a dedicated effort to learn and adapt all the features included in the software package. So much so that AmoCRM themselves have recognized her and B_entertained as a success case study! She was honored this past week with an interview for an article on our successful use of the features and plug-ins to achieve our automation goals which will be published on AmoCRM’s social media channels and will be seen by their several hundred thousand followers!

We are a squad and a family here at B_entertained and when one of our own gets such an awesome honor it brings pride to our whole team! I couldn’t think of someone who deserves it more and as an owner I couldn’t be prouder of the work Stacy has done and will do!

Sometimes it’s not always all about business but the people and pieces that make that business what it is. Thank you, Stacy, you totally deserve it!